when is it now

jeudi 11 mars 2010

we lost everything, but the joy is in the midst of ruins, when I see all the security available to humans rich, I tell myself it would all be swept away by the raging sea to find a simplicity of life, more details insurance, that the daily dark lit by a smile of joy to be alive when all others have died in old Europe is dying and we are not pleased by what it does well enough, it not as in Chile or Haiti, but it's sad to have to eat every day, have a roof to live, take away the roof and food and find a smile, but it is not desirable Indeed, what could happen other than what is happening now is like that is all, and those who claim the opposite would be better to eat pork or rabbit, it depends on the kitchen one day is good and one day is different, so much for today, not bad like that, you just try to start earlier to whether one agrees with you, the night is over difficult to understand, there's the fatigue of the day, it is slower to react, then for how much should go to one I do not know how they call it, it comes back to me after dinner, go to soon and passes away the next time I see you coming, I do not like surprises

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