when is it now

vendredi 4 juillet 2014

one day I thought I'd drop

one day I thought I'd drop them to the end, but along the way I think because of something not working, everything was fine and yet it was not right to the bottom, so somewhere it was not, it was very surprising because since I am so good, but now when we advance in life it does not hit as well at the beginning, one loses his illusions, the newspaper s' sinks into the habit, and then we know that one day we will die, well then I take, and I understand that I feel I must act before it is too late is when I started to write at the beginning it was very slow and then gradually it took its own pace, because the slope is and it leads straight to heaven, but mostly I am a little disturbed by the my father died when he was fifty years old, for me it's in 4 years, so I told myself that I had to prepare myself, plus it's the right time in life, what we do forty years, no longer does 80 years, so I thought that now is the time to start, so I start and nothing, no swirls, no wave, everything is flat, so it's me sobering, why, and how, there is no problem, everything is fine, then what's going on, would I have the evil eye cursed poets who during their life had no success, they had to die for one realizes that they were geniuses, so for me I have a doubt, I do not think I'm a genius, I'm just worried about life password and try to pass on the side, I take time in my quest, everything is beautiful and in one corner it's ugly, then do not panic, it may grow in the coming years will, but if I am attentive, I think I can try to keep the balance right here is the plan, first stop be afraid every time I feel bad, then make sure everything is in place, ie that everything must be operational at the time of the action which requires a lot of preparation, but that I can do, so no problem, it becomes difficult when it comes to create because there is a serious problem that say, pass the following message, fries christmas, beer justice, but everything fits in the hand, is a sign of handover, but why should we cling to the mantle of God, I must know what it means, then yes, I pray every day Mary to thank her for her hand to me as I try to catch it, it is not obvious because my body wants to live alone, I have tell him to accept the help, I have to think, it is not yet acquired is the way, it takes the time it takes, I may have to meet people to talk to them about religion is still confused and accuracy is not there yet, so I pray and the rest we'll see when we have made ​​a clear choice, that the project continue what has begun, have the chance to do and feel what is happening in society to have good tempo in a new situation that takes time to appear but when it's done so it's good, it's open, there is more that to take the time to witness, and whiling away the emotions they do the work of reconciliation with everyone

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