when is it now

samedi 23 février 2013

walk it means crossing your legs to go somewhere, but it is also allowing the body to take and leave in a dynamic movement, it contains the hope of staying young in the sense you can do what you want , it also gives the moral, when you walk away you go inside itself, there is no other form of emptiness, everything is full, it is the supreme effort, attention to the fall, each foot flows into the vacuum immediately intervene to help the other foot and carry the load, the question is to know which foot to start first, you have two feet, we know that the left foot corresponds to the right brain, and the right foot goes to the left brain, if we left, we work primarily with the right hemisphere, we should start walking with the left foot, then why do I feel weak left side, what was my surprise, one day I almost fell on the left side, I was very surprised, I thought my left hand was the strongest, so I thought about it, we must believe in the strength of one side or we must find the balance, both feet can move forward, so both sides of my being are in balance, good day

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