when is it now

samedi 23 février 2013

tomorrow, this strange, this present moment, this event, now silent, tomorrow it counts how upside down, how long, but how it's hard, it starts somewhere, here we go again, although , it can, it must, it will, and then it's fall, interventions silly, ridiculous stories, and then it raises, it continue, and less than that, because it exists, it is true, c is still something, whatever people say, I know what I'm talking about, passages, questions, and then a hole, I pass without attention, attention you speak, uncertain movements, fantasy, and words that do not understand that in France, the country of my childhood, a democratic country, we can do whatever we want, we can say what we want, it is not as China, suffice it to say, more democracy, and is jailed in France we live in freedom, we do not know what it means dictatorship, when we can not say what we want, at the same time I mean it in the same situation I may also be ready to go, for it is certain that I am in an anvil heavy to carry, but how to leave happiness, I do not know if I should continue this I believe true, because the truth collapses one day, everything we believed true collapses and there remains only the memory for that life passes without leaving anything behind it, it is a reality obscure, more certainty, more brands, everything is blurry, what to say what dream it becomes permissible, it flows from all sides, we can no longer hold the pressure, it sinks, it's like that

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