when is it now

jeudi 21 février 2013

one stroke in front of me, her, beauty, beautiful, useless, tiny, essential irony feelings on the fly, nothing is, everything flies forever, that he is a handkerchief on the ground, a word exchanged, it is an exchange, it is built it lasts over time and yet it is fragile, a word too, silence, everything changes, the day c is now, everything collapses, it rocks, it's bad to give birth one day in the sun, it starts, it's new, it's now a huge facility is a signature it is a gesture, it's that life is fragile, it is built on sand, the sea rises, it must attend to the disaster, there is nothing left of what we dreamed, the dream is a time, sometimes it can get somewhere, but one day it fell, it was not strong enough, life is dating one day we know what it is, we know what life brings , it takes before we have fun, we laugh, we do not think about anything after that changes everything, we hope, that's all there is nothing else, it is human, it is everything you could want, there is nothing else, hope the rest, it's bullshit, lies, life is nothing, a birth, a death, between the two , what happens, we advance not you go back to the end, it is a movement incredibly useless, it grows forward, in reality it is treading water, you do not realize it think I have projects, so we'd better do nothing and wait for death

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