when is it now

vendredi 27 avril 2012

the emotion changes, I descend, most of the time I stay at the same level, I fly, then I go to bed to wait until morning and whether I continue in the same direction, not prediction, all done at the time when I do, it can find things, for example I did not know the history of the world is global, I conclude that I'm glad to know, every five minutes I check if I understandwhat happens, I try not to miss the essential, we can quickly get lost in the accessory, how many useless thoughts, millions of sudden visions that serve no purpose, I need to take a glass of sparkling water for me to separate myself from the desire to believe in thedemocratic surge, about a year after the advent of democracy I knew the quality of a person depends on small parts of the body are in the liver and lungs, once the envy of a sausage with chips is well defined, nothing is wanting but the ketchup, it's a memory that goes back to the surface, when I was younger I thought the time was at the same location,

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