when is it now

jeudi 26 avril 2012

a one way street, that means two things, first there is only a sense, then you can not go this way, should go around and take the other side, it's like in life, there is a sense, forward, and if we wanted to see what's after, it would extend beyond the end and go back, that is dying to know what it is and return to life, this is impossible, even those that tell being in a coma and see a white light, they think they saw the entrance to Paradise, while even in a deep coma, the person is still alive, it breathes, sleep is not death, in death you leave yourbody forever, as humans think if we go on vacation, we go and return, but death is not what we  hand, farewell life, we hope to look in the newspaper, do we find it, it depends on the day, sometimes I fly above me, I forget a short moment that I am me, it feels good, because otherwise I'm so close to me that I can't quickly identify and offer mean interesting side, I stay in the looseness

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