when is it now

samedi 7 avril 2012

without doubt the future, I build this, a golden prison, there's no way out, you have to get up in the morning to sleep at night, to have environmental doing nothing, taking the timebut the moment is there, he came from afar, he can not wait, we must choose now,without knowing what is best, because the human is always in search of instant gratification, it feels to succeed not knowing then it will fall into the worst stories dismal, with hindsight we would see what not to do, but taken in a hurry to choose, no one can say that this first chooses does not work, then by an unexpected surge of life, the fruits ofhis dissatisfaction, which is weird in life is that there is no certainty, we believe that anything is possible while anything is possible, that changes everything, you end upnaked, I'll see for the first time, in reality, no deception, the reality is horrible, it forces thehuman to do that based on a lie, he ment is, he lies to others it is a disaster, for generations, humans can choose the best choice, that of humility

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