when is it now

samedi 7 avril 2012

if I was born rich, how could I understand that life happens without nothing, a moment after I saw the others without wondering if my tenth million is coming soon, now that I've spent my last penny, I do not think about tomorrow, I am now, I am agitated, wondering how to make money, since I live I never had any idea to make money, or rather I n 'I never knew how to take money from others, for example, which is very fashionable today, it is the phones smart phones, it's crazy what we spend on package more and more expensive because they offer more services, they know how to take money from others before we lived well without smart phones, are we living better, I do not know, I'm just saying that front we did not worry when someone was going to shop, now it's, you thought to take the butter,before he was expected back shopping to say, have you thought of butter, oh no, I go back immediately, an unacceptable loss of time today, that's racing to avoid loss of time,

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