when is it now

vendredi 27 avril 2012

how to get up in the morning is a seemingly simple question, because an object does not get up in the morning or evening, the man gets up in the morning and unlike the animals,he heats his coffee, thinking of what he will do today, do not forget to dress before going out, then the hours are stacked in a corner, the day passes and night comes, it's a sweet feeling to go to the only place on earth where I feel good, no more no less, when I'm here, I sit for my mind which is free to go wherever she wants, top, right, left, bottom, it does not matter, I do not think bad things, I have this chance to let go and quickly set out to conquer the west of my apartment, ie the opposite wall, I look and I said, it is painted,how many years I painted it, I chose this color, I could choose another one, but I'm happy because I do not like painting when it was painted, then you can wait years before repainting, how many layers of paint on the wall, every time we painted, we add a layer, there were other occupants in the apartment, have they all painted the walls, that's what Ithink

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