when is it now

vendredi 6 avril 2012

why I am not happy, but there is always something that gene, it is not the right day, or I'm not ready, then I have to wait months to find the right circumstances, that's how I got to today, decades after my birth, a brief passage, a second scale of the universe, but when I think of myself, it takes all the space I occupy the whole field, there is not an empty space, the self is whole, it does not forgive, advance without seeing where it goes and does not include other, and yet they think they know many things, but so are useless to what is to know you can take off the dress of a woman without speaking, then it's not exactly what I mean, if we could avoid talking about, we would look wonderful in a silence, then one could undressing without knowing who the other but knowing how to be mysterious it is, is this not the most important, they hide behind the words, there are those who speak well and deceive others, there are those speaking evil and tap on the other, the floor is a trap set to low, then I do not say why

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