when is it now

vendredi 27 avril 2012

The subject is close to the verb, what does this mean, a passing moment, an error in the program, it's about this time that I realized the extent of belief in the establishment of new solution, the former was not modern enough, it worked fine, but what we want now is a good appearance is beautiful, then it does not work, before it was ugly, but it worked 80 years, now they cry, hygiene, plastic rather than iron, omega 3 than omega 6 says anything, the true meaning of life is the fun we have and so what if it's fatty, but the body should be flat, except for women who have breasts, men should be flat from neck to pelvis, regardless of whether they have big legs, do not have belly is in stark contrast to before when the respectable man had a big belly, now it is the poor who eat poorly if they are fat, now that changes everything, we are in 2012 compared to 1012, the Internet and more smartphone, we see that the phone is smart but not necessarily the person using it

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