when is it now

mercredi 25 avril 2012

Truth is in everyone, it is in pieces, billions of bits that will never be put together, because humans can not exchange them in truth, they just lie to others to present their best side, if lived in truth there would be anarchy to get used to this new life, a life oriented toward the love of self and others, there would be no additional code, only the love of truth would be the obligation to respect, but on earth we have already seen sects proposing to live differently from humans, it has always ended in massacre, because after a while these groups destroy themselves to avoid falling back into what they were before, this is a confession of bankruptcy, it is a failure, the human as a whole and at once should  be convinced that love overcomes life, this is a dream can't be realized, humans are born to live poorly, dissatisfaction is great, it grows badly, you come to forty years without a project,it is the void beneath the feet, everything is dry, until then everything was fine, a nice house, a big car, an intelligence above the average, but all this is futile, as the Egyptians of antiquity took with them all their gold items they believed they would continue to live with a dead body, fortunately it has evolved and now we know that two thousand years since Jesus awaits us now

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