when is it now

vendredi 27 avril 2012

one day a cat was sitting in a room, he looked out the window, he heard a noise and went for a walk to the kitchen to see if there was nothing left to eat at the same time I passed under a tree with many leaf, fortunately as it began to rain very hard, I stayed there for ten minutes, watching the rain fell with great pleasure, I love being stuck somewhere and see how high the rain puddles on the road if I'm sheltered I can stay dry,but sometimes I like to get wet by the water that falls on me, saying to myself that I wouldlater dry, it's part of life's pleasures that costs nothing, a little water, a home where you can dry and time to enjoy the unique moment that I live now, it does not happen veryoften, it has to rain, that I 'have time to make me wet and I'm ready to dry from my home,often one is missing, or it does not rain or I'm not near my home or I have not time, in these cases I run to shelter me or I have an umbrella that allows me to quickly go where I go

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