when is it now

samedi 7 avril 2012

I could have done something else, but when I realized he had to choose, I got scared and I preferred to wait, but now it's been too long I wait, so if I never knew what I can do, I would do more, I barreling straight ahead, but I have more than twenty years, it's over the ideal kind, the time has passed, I accumulated experience, I know everything is gray,before I thought it was black and white, but it's all far, I do not remember, what I want now is something true and that suit me, then there I set the bar too high, I never reach it, what is true is true, it is objective, but it fit me, it's not obvious, one is never completely satisfied with yourself , one hesitates, one feels, is back, and then all of a sudden we advance, we fall, there is no method, you just draw when you can and get up when you feel able to do so

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