when is it now

jeudi 27 août 2015

there is in life a lot of reason for hope

there is in life a lot of reason for hope, first when one is able to take the time to give him something to do what we want, that's not why I know everyone may one day make a special trip but it is possible to be aware that everything is provided for a long time, like what all happens at a time that is chosen by God, and as the human does not know why it's like it, wait a bit to open the door because we are afraid of what's behind this house of hope will one day welcome us, and the last time we will not have to choice in the management of pleasures, because God will make us understand that everything is there in a space for itself, which is not finished yet, because at the moment I live, and I intend to have again for years because I have something to do that will take me years because to have an internal vision that requires years of solitary progress because for the chance to unravel the mystery, we must do a lot to try to pass the different stages and as the pig that goes into the mud, I'm sure all the time that it is necessary to cross well knows and as regards the lack of reference must be to make yourself like this one know where you are and it's better than doing the same thing a hundred times what grows expecting anything because basically everything is in a shelter which then pushes is the desire to know, but for Therefore you can not find the missing who could have guessed that everything belongs to the Lord Jesus when everyone is talking, you just shut up and listen to the message, it's a great thing, it becomes a miracle, because for this which is life in the sense that everything happens suddenly as if by magic, and as time is not aware of what will alert the meander in the faith, because for this is a simple thing that requires a lot of 'implications because for the urge to tear it takes years of questioning to be sure not to fall into the error of the facility, which grows to seal all the exits as if we had seen a pumpkin that rides a stairs and as it is winter we put coal in the stove

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