when is it now

mardi 27 octobre 2015

what seems true is actually an excuse for the sin of Adam

what seems true is actually an excuse for the sin of Adam when he was obliged to forget that he was naked at once he sees Eve not as a joy of life but as a tension that compels from human to want to possess the other, which then passes into the icy Arctic extended a funny pitch that is made of the space for people but with a fox greed at bay and coincidentally you should know it's tea time, but here it is not unusual to see camels in a dream because when it is too cold we dream of a desert palm, it must be seen as an ephemeral condition of reality is combined with pee, and why it is advisable not to remember because if nothing is done it goes to the brain and it can create irreparable harm, then I ask you not to do this you might regret because in the meantime the clock is ticking and I still see no volunteers to clean the park but as it is Sunday we want it done by midnight, but that's a bear comes to breakfast, so everything the world takes refuge in the tower, and waits until the animal has finished his favorite dish, and then to distract everyone I think something that amused me a lot, and I'm saying when suddenly I hear a shot, it's Jack who returns from the hunt, we will have meat to eat that night, and as usual we drink water to stay sober because we decided not to drink alcohol and like everything is a matter of habit everyone has agreed to boil the lack of sardines with whiskey then a week has passed and it is that one can easily hear such distractions are few, it is better to understand whether normally share, which implies that to be successful the project we will make two groups, one will be responsible for the shit and the other will be in position to capture the energy, we change roles at the end of the week, everyone is in agreement, to live together because we must respect the rules and it applies to everyone even for me who has to charge me more for the administrative part but now with computer is much faster

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