when is it now

jeudi 3 novembre 2011

I came to tell you that time is dead, there is only hope, but I'm starting to understand here that the day is blessed, we must have a conscience, several tests, resistance, I advance full speed, so what if I break, it means that now is king, we'll cut off his head, the body falls, it was thought that life was good, but one day we must go to the obvious , we dream we are living longer, it is a human capacity, if the dream did not exist, we would not live long, you would commit suicide to 25 years is the age where there is despair , nothing has been built,we are barely out of his family, no money, everything goes wrong, but it was still a dream, we'll meet a woman, we'll have a job, we will buy a car on credit, and we had reason to believe, one day you meet a woman, we do not yet know is the woman of his life, it takes 20 years, but there dream when 20 years have passed, leaving only memories, we lived well, what remains there of our loves, bodies that have aged, happiness, unhappiness and everything else

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