when is it now

lundi 15 octobre 2012

huge effort, hazardous passage, days gray and yellow, and  I went out to hear the beating hearts beat too fast worried because the pressure increases, one day we will all be crushed by the boredom of life, a moment ago in life where everything changes, it was not yesterday, not even now, perhaps earlier, who knows, how do you know if it's worth, I go in a adventure that takes a lot of my free time, in fact I usually  finish what I start, but this time I do not see the end, but somehow it does not bother me, I am very very happy with me, I can gradually take my pilgrim's staff in the form of a computer keyboard and push away my pleasure to do nothing, long ago time passed easily, and then my father died, I found myself in front of an empty life, three years later I met my wife and three years after my daughter was born, in a few years I went from empty to full, then my problem was to do something with this full, it is as that I began to ask myself if I had things to write, since I never stop, I regularly sit down with my hands on the keyboard, I check the time that passes, for each creation I allow myself an hour, then I'll walk to cross the others, I am in balance, but I also know that the balance is not perennial, one day he falls to the ground, it was too to heavy to bear, once I saw the moment I have lived and I have conquered, but tomorrow would I still be strong, I feel that my strength is diminishing, my pleasure is changing,  before I believed in love, now I wonder what that means, hatred is so great in that each, it seems difficult to say I love you, or it is a form of small hate, I hate you less the others, it became easy, when I was young I hated noone now that I'm grown up I hate everyone with great wisdom, my hatred is silent, others bother me, that's all My project is to pass people without speaking to them, what they say is not interesting, it is a mass of poor culture and stupid choices, live life live live

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