when is it now

samedi 27 octobre 2012

it is now I know what to do, it seemed only yesterday that I did not know where I was going, I do not know why I now know where I'm going, but that is not the issue I count little in the history of my life, my life does not belong to me, I'm renting my body, we get along well, everything goes well, I try to respect and in return I hope he listens to me, but nothing is sure, yesterday I had a taste for life, and today I am pleased to be alive, that's great, I love life, it's an adventure inside and outside result of great interest, any advance in human harmony, ie it is a mess, nothing works, people do not know each other, they make fun of others all that matters is the possession of things, we know from Egyptian things in their coffins were not permit that the dead have eternal life, it was three thousand years ago, today you fly, you phone with a smartphone, you are treated teeth to the dentist, you can even change the heart, lungs or hands, it is modernity, we are happy, but we live alone, the group disappears with technical progress, with a washing machine and oven with electric hob, you can live at home alone, there are more and more single and separated people who prefer not to deal with each other, they will contain about themselves and can not interact with others in their difference is a change in the society, how far will we go, the authors of science fiction always imagine that it ends badly, destruction, annihilation, the human will disappear but at the last time a man meets a woman, they fled, he found a cave and it is go again to build a just society turned towards the love

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