when is it now

samedi 27 octobre 2012

it was the last time i had soap in his eyes, I could not see what I wanted, it was not until the water passes over my eyes, then I realized that I had not understood before, with water i can remove the soap, it was a great discovery, but only after I realized it had more days to see further, it was a highlight, I was optimistic, it 'is a simple word that means many things to be optimistic this is to remove all evil, remove the anguish of life, remove the doubt that digs, why am I, what am I intended to do, but to suddenly everything goes, there's nothing left, I'm in the middle of my being, I move slightly, the story continues from the first men there are millions of years to get there, he took time, billions of days without internet, without dentist, without heat, cooked meat, lives for nothing, or rather I wouldn't live here today without this man almost monkey, I will not live tODAY 'Today, the long chain of generation goes back to the first man there are three million years ago, a year that goes by quickly, christmas, summer, christmas, summer, start, end, time passes, millions of seconds, million years, which is the mark, every hour is lost, there is a balance, I count to two, nothing happens, it does not work like that, I prefer to pray to Mary, walking , understand, see, try, and then I go on the road to try to answer this, despite the anxiety, the desire to fall, there is always a spring somewhere to bounce back, it is a reality ordiniaire

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