when is it now

samedi 20 octobre 2012

why start, this is a question I don't ask to myself, this is a matter of life or death, how to live without the certainty that i advance, there are so many people who do not advance and remain locked in a fixed idea, it's said, however, that the brain is very large but very unknown, the mystery of modernity, because now we want to know everything about the human, his health and even his futur predicted with genes, we can now see the genes in the body, but at the same time we know how to cure it, we see that invented the modern needs that do not exist, our ancestors lived happy or unhappy without no phone, no car, no plane, without a camera, but theylived with God, if we go back far enough there were even several gods, and then one day, Jesus came and he said love you as I loved you, the problem  is that over time this message is transformed into an obligation to believe in god, Galileo was condemned by the church because he said that the earth revolved around the sun and so that the earth wasn't the center of the universe, a first breach in the omnipotence of the church triumphant speech, then Descartes, French philosopher separates the body, a machine without interest and the soul turned to God, this is a time when man first thinks alone, it is revolution, cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am, this is the beginning of psychology at a time when there was that we are together in the sight of God, at once the man is alone with his destiny, he decides what he will do, the group becomes even his enemy, the individual triumph, I breathe, I think I am, and others, like the ancient Greeks spoke of slaves as living instruments, things that move, now we know that everyone is equal, there is no more than money between people, is one day money will have more interest, but at least we say we are born free and equal in right, but not in fact, but it does not matter, money is not the top of happiness, it is down, it igives only the freedom to live at home, then you must climb to the top to find happiness, it is a personal exercise, a unique feeling in my heart, inside my body, the joy of living

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