when is it now

lundi 4 avril 2011

a day like this, how many more will I live, is a question I do not ask me, I look around me, what happens there, nothing, I do not live in Côte d'Ivoire, neither Afghanistan nor Iraq nor Iran, in short I live here, I was born here and nowhere else even though I am a human like everyone else, I'm here and I can be elsewhere in Meanwhile,, it suits me I do not travel, I prefer to stay home until that day happens, soon it will be tomorrow, what shall I do tomorrow, no less, perhaps the same thing that today, or else something different, I do not know yet, it depends of my morning when I wake up well I'm ready to make plans but if I wake up badly I am not prepared to start anything either, so I can not predict the future, because my body is so sensitive to its environment, how could I know that the influence of air on my sleep, or place of land in the universe Is it good for me, maybe one day they invent a machine that will measure everything to be well

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