when is it now

lundi 4 avril 2011

if that's, why try to escape, it has everything we need, even if it is not true, because it lies all the time, it lies to himself to avoid seeing his situation full light, lying to others to avoid explaining everything from the beginning, envy alone guides us towards a possible acceptance, is still between two and never complete happiness or misery complete, it always manages to avoid the worst but it also avoids the joyous laughter, as it is nicely ahead day after day, without asking where it goes because the answer would be disheartening, the human is doomed but he did everything he afraid to hold onto time passes, but this time itself runs faster than humans, it seems to be so well but fot ten years I've tried, how much time has passed, I want a solution today, Today is short, a week is tempting, I expect to know, will he continue, stupid question, the important thing is to start now, we'll see what happens, I'm in no hurry, i 'have time with me, but I'll come close to what I am, I am getting closer and one day I'll be ready

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