when is it now

jeudi 28 avril 2011

if everyone was together, not only for commercial or financial reasons, but simply by recognizing the human in exchange, the joy of being together, but I know that the living do not love them, except when there are financial or commercial interest, it is not going to change because the world has existed since its inception, it is still four billion years and even before the appearance of humans on land, it was only floods, explosions, misery, struggles between dinosaurs, the earth was still a land of life and death struggle, everyone protects his place, we do not live together, all experiments that have attempted to live together have failed, it now remains that capitalism as a system of relationship management, because it is the system that puts the individual at the top, but not just any one who is intelligent to take more money to others who are less intelligent than he is the American dream, everyone can one day become rich

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