when is it now

mardi 5 avril 2011

tomorrow it will be light, how to be more positive, if today goes well, I won everything, so how will I lose a little, it is important to find balance, a little of each thing, that the project But I need to make time, because we do not one day that leads a lifetime, a moment to lose, I lose anything today, a day less in my life expectancy, Is it enough, it is normal to grow old everyday, we do not notice it, it takes ten years to see the old photos on other anniversaries and when I look in the mirror a little closer and I see that I too am old, I soon forget and I still do what I do, that's how it protects itself from depression, it feels wrong is because too much thinking to himself, the balance is to think of itself a little, then think about others a bit and then think about God a lot, because everything that is human is understandable, what is divine is mysterious, no can not achieve holiness, when we can take a piece of bread on the table while at the same times someone  kill  a man with a knife,

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