when is it now

mardi 5 avril 2011

it goes up and down without understanding how to adjust the mechanism because it is completely certain that we are here and not elsewhere, life is not explained, she says yes then it's not, we can not trust but my 'self, the project is individual and not collective before he must pass over the mantles, indifference, lack of knowledge, the modernity that goes deeper into stupidity, there is the annihilation intelligence, people are passionate by peoples from zero, we went into raptures over pants with holes or a small dog that is brown droppings, it's great everyone applauded, we must believe that in the heads it is the great void, the arrival of modern comfort, machine washing, dishes, emptied the brains that light up to very small insignificant things, while life outside is intense and that at much to discuss differences, love, hate on, talking about what matters, but for now it goes into raptures about the droppings, like there is a yellow

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