when is it now

vendredi 1 avril 2011

is the story of a guy who thinks he can be otherwise than what it is, but how do we change human nature is close to the stupidity, we have what we have, we live with every day, we can not look objectively, everything is false in its sole discretion, it retains only the words of our parents if we said we were ugly, the rest is for all its life, even if others say otherwise, what is done is more to do, humans are only because he was born, his whole life he runs after her birth, a moment of his life he does not remember, but if it like that, why try to change a comma, when the highwaygoes over my life ,everything is crashing ,doubt , envy ,it does nothing left, that's life is like that, all or nothing, between the two are talking about, congratulations, you look at the powerful, funny, laugh as there is still time, then we hope to be in eternity for long, forget those years so small

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