when is it now

mardi 5 avril 2011

if I were what I am, could I be otherwise, ie that I am someone through which we can not go through, I make this experience very often when I walk the streets of Paris, people that i cross all pass by me without seeing me but still having the vision of my presence impassable, so they go next, it reassures me, it is proof that I exist really, because when I am home I do not know if I am right now like this or like that, then time passes and I am always when all of a sudden I say, it's Tuesday, so it's better, because tomorrow it is Wednesday, and then it's Thursday, all that to say we are no longer on Monday, this day I'm not happy is the day link between the weekend and the week, which funny is that Friday is the day linkbetween weekdays and weekends, I am well, so to summarize, there is the problem on Monday, and I can not remove it, the risk unbalance the wholeis to high, to choose what we can not choose, I prefer a dead day for six days living 

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