when is it now

vendredi 20 mai 2011

I must say calmly that the time has come, last chance, after all the years are long dead, there are only two days left, what to do during this short time, pray all the time, eating chips, smoking a last cigarette, like a condemned man is entitled to a special meal before being electrocuted, let's go immediately to this life, what has happened since the birth, days and nights , a youth quickly fled with another, a job that is just a memory, a pittance, a life for nothing, like many others, no attempt to move higher, vision that woodlouse just trying to move 20 centimeters for some unknown reason, how many humans have no plans to take them in dreams, if we could all go in a single direction, we respect everyone, you can not lie, The truth can have a balanced relationship, you do not try to flee, we accept happiness without wanting to kill, like humans has a great hatred in his heart, he finds abhorrent the simple joy of moving days in the facility, we are well together, what about the other, despite the negative impulses that stir below, it is with great sweetness as we speak, how it happens to be seventeen years after the start, we got to live together, the project is to live happy, we know what it takes to get there, no blackmail, a shared vision, how long will it last ten, twenty, thirty years, I think it was not until the death of one or the other to stop the project

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