when is it now

vendredi 27 mai 2011

this is how we make cakes to go well is the same, the days are mixed with mayonnaise and add a pinch of salt, it is cool and it was time to do something else because it is a characteristic of Life, we can not stay in one place too long, the brain is bubbling, tons of thoughts pass at the same time, it's a cacophony, I want to come by here, health is important, is I'm going to have surgery to have sex more long, but have all women the same vagina, I mean as long, imagining that everything does not go in, something that I do not arise often, I have other things to do that occupy my mind from time to time I relax and I conclude that while it is not as easy as tying his shoes, the more you live the more we realize that the relationship is complicated, we thought it sufficient to say hello, but now I know that loneliness is large and that many people seek warmth even at the risk of error in any case it is the uncertainty in the reports, the body need attention, if i took her by the hand, I feel an urge to come to you with sadness that I am sensitive, but I do not take yourself hand because we do not know how far it could go, the hands are quick to jump to the intimate and there it gets complicated, we had nothing planned, how to say politely that i will leave and not return Because the only desire I had was to take your hand, your sex does not interest me for a long time, I agree that the drive there from the beginning, but it is also there momentum of the heart, "I must think that I do not lie to you, the only mechanical sex does not lead me to satisfy my desire to mislead, so I prefer to stay single until

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