when is it now

lundi 16 mai 2011

it is a choice that makes me something I can not get out of his individual existence, should I have to be even more to realize the time without putting the facility that could spread like soft butter on bread soft modernity that he forgets to close the door before knowing if you will go out, nothing to wait a week vacuum every day repeats itself without much variation, it would take a tsunami to say that something is changing, which is worth gold is insurance, it is ensured for all, plus a secure area to avoid problems, we will soon identify future thieves as young 4 years, the company can not accept an disorder, we must live happily, unfortunately it is not enough to prevent humans from being a bastard,  because those who are not seen are  the worst, theyt have the mentality of Nazis, impossible to detect, they live together, capitalists who play with other people's money and put the country in ruins

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