when is it now

dimanche 10 mai 2009

come quick, come quick, I gotta tell you something, last Saturday I went to the movies, I queue for hours to the entrance I was told that there had more room, but the fact you were not there, why I talk to the door, I would paste of a poster with a pretty girl above is the impression that counts, closing his eyes half you feel talking to him as it does not on a doubling of the idea to talk to a beautiful woman, I know that beauty is empty, how do you think a person who spends all his wonderful years at ignore the franchise, I do not know what I meant, in short I'm alone and I can not talk long, if it does you do anything I want now to think what I say, it is not serious as I write, therefore I thought the opposite of what I said, a story not worth another and vice versa, and bolts and more, waiting to be more into joy, I stay awake thinking anything, I do it from falling into depression, a beautiful day, wish it rains, well, racing, where it, Saturday, predict, a swallow, or a pie, I do not know anything, would a tree, how is he a job, job, ha yes, go for an interview tomorrow with one foot before the other one, another, another, also fire, a house painter , beads of rain, splash in the water, damn it wets onto the dream, oh a pretty girl comes up to me, it's 100 euros she said

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