when is it now

dimanche 24 mai 2009

in the national currency, the monkey is high, in May I'm not like to spend my pay objects, it is better to breathe clean air, so we can enjoy a spring satisfaction olfactory noncondensing exaggerated this is how I manage to stay worthy of my trust with restraint on my immediate life, but it does not bother me, I am convinced that this is the last chance to resolve his daily mood a serene afternoon hours before the idiot to do nothing else, it's crazy time wasted to seek what I'll do, but is it really missing time to achieve the main objectives without go to the moon, but moving around the world of certainty without doubt, a four-leaf clover, or a highway without air rest, doubt there is an irreducible small dose, but high dose, it remains an unknown, what am I able to resolve the immediate seconds, nothing, it has already passed, I remained there with the seconds that followed the movement, was it with the first violins, not the drum in my head, the big blows to the décorner cocus, turn the flesh to the mill of fidelity, not orange, the strange is everywhere, a traffic light, a colander with holes, where did I the head is Wednesday today, yesterday was Tuesday, it makes me a good leg, the other I cache, it happens this Thursday, not bother to hurry, love is eternal, for always, forever, forever, forever, always current, my body is thirsty, all these bodies are close to me, will they at once through me,

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