when is it now

vendredi 29 mai 2009

the wait is long but I am ready, it does me no spend days, I did not choose to be there, or here, I do not move without my bag, as they say the case is in the bag, I do not know what case it is, but do not lose this chance to discover it, I walk by singing in my head, I do not want to be heard by the people it goes well in general, despite the urge to hang myself that I took when suddenly everything went well, from where comes this kind of thinking, I have a good life, days after another is a little However, what happens to have more freedom, and do not say that too much freedom kills freedom, I am aware of my happiness on, perhaps is the problem, the more I am in the least I live openly, I calculate the times to not take at the end of the day I'm exhausted, it is quite silly when players do not know themselves, random encounters, they try to break the carapace of the neighbor, if the chance their smiles they fall on someone and it left open for the descent into hell, the end of the party, my experience and I have to protect myself, finally when I say my experience, I'm exaggerating, I've seen in others, I fortunately I'm still in withdrawal, I never saw nothing, I expect the evening falls and the pressure as I am empty a bathtub that has not overflowed, it leaves in the morning, the water level rises again, will he reach the zone of tolerance, the destructive flood of feelings, the hours go by, nothing to horizon,

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