when is it now

lundi 18 mai 2009

why leave, still remain a bit of tranquility, I am in the moment without losing a crumb, in a stable position, a slight wind sweeps the ground, the moisture of the body is in harmony with that of air It is a pleasure instant it occurs at a rate of seconds, it can be stopped immediately, an anxiety that comes, and again into the unknown, the journey begins again, perhaps vais_je find a moment of peace an other day, also older, but it does not count, I have the same relationship with my body, we have long known but, as in a romantic relationship, we see through a filter that makes it beautiful, reality does not exist, the eyes do not see it build a landscape acceptable, otherwise it's suicide, the extremes are too far apart to make ends meet, to stay in the middle of the opportunities, we must breathe and watch the sky, quietly observing the tops of trees that touch the clouds below, the evolution of white on blue, to enlarge the vision itself, peace be with you, I am in position to be in life and not later, as in any business you must train, who wants to move forward should take the time to pass, pass through the acceptance, rejection of noise, simply stand facing the mystery,

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