when is it now

mercredi 6 mai 2009

the coming years in the world, I am a single, but what can I do more that is the case, it is hard to ignore the failed attempt in the design, in short, it must be to behave as someone strong, ready to pass the sponge on the most trivial doubts, because of the short view of the suffering of deer hunters, an image that comes in colors of the status of the handover of love , here is a good fit to the top of the cabinet, when the wolf comes, close the doors, yes, but if it goes through the window, do not panic, wear is a rare, drink, eat, change the furniture room, enlarge the space of a moment, the program is loaded, also avoid areas of rain, slipping uncontrolled can lead to the airport strike for longer than a surprise in an elongated head bed that is missing a foot, chocolate, pistachio, strawberry ice cream and good afternoon, however, can not cross when you want, it takes the signal, set, go in any direction, regardless of it is important to move forward, as you go, you will find answers to questions that you did not ask, I mean answers that you appear silly in the sense prohibited, why c is prohibited, that is not the issue, let alone receive, the truth is violent, we must accept the human is below the line, drinks, good mood, the weekend, swimming in the open space particular, everyone in our little head to think about our little problems of everyday life, when life is at hand, life with a capital letter v, and we remain with a lowercase v, unable to move beyond the skin, empty space, nothing around me, I expect to know, where is the communion, the total love, not in humans, trapped in their body, chie, not flowers, it's bloody, it is finished, then wait it out, it is soon time for the aperitif, we forget everything, but tomorrow I Reche, you come out not in the bottom up, the spirit to the four corners rally in h two, what that's an order, no order here, that the disorder, madness ambient passages enchantés, deep trouble, never unit, each for himself is the rule, going to your neighbor , potatoes hot numbers, odd preferably rain, dried up love, the vision is global so why deprive them of the chance to spend reduced due to snake bite, paradise lost, the flowers in the shit, gutter, d rats 'drain, loss of values, moral en berne, history that ends badly

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