when is it now

lundi 18 mai 2009

you're lucky, it's an opportunity on both sides, in front you can see, but behind it changes everything, history is causing the problem, stay here if you want it depends on the beginning, or you accept the minimum, or you reject the water with the imagination that allows liquid to surf reality, we must start small, as in life, you can not walk at one month, to take the lead and it was after six hours of driving hours, short, we know the song by heart, that pump until the last day, never breaks, it moves unabated while the human is always ready to give up, boredom, fatigue, anger, life prevail in a void that extends into the future, years of absence, ten years go by quickly, one day you wake up, it turns Nothing to see, the days are crammed with indifference, but it's not too late, it is still possible to wake up, you need to sleep at night, the morning the sun came back, I rise , I open the window, the air caress my face, I am alive, ready to engage in a new day, it's not like yesterday, I write on the blackboard, day, program, look ahead itself, see outside, go in his body, leaving a bit of hope, not take everything at once, we must keep to the end and as we do not know the second date, the first c ' is the birth, some say the design, but again this is not safe, where is it, we do not know, I know by against the day of my birth, my parents are witnesses that I launched Today is my first cry of human being, the cry of hunger, yet the end

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