when is it now

dimanche 30 décembre 2012

if I had 90 years how can I live my life, life stops when you can no longer do what we want, not what the statistics say, the figures speak of a life expectancy grows increasingly in Europe, there are more centenarians, whereas fifty years ago we counted on the fingers of one hand, so there are changes, but we do not ask why living longer, is it desirable, is it feasible, when I see the old, it seems to me that life is not in them, they are immobile, the memory goes, they repeat the same thing I ask the question, what is life like, and we should not help people who can not travel alone to commit suicide, could similarly reduce the pension debt, there are too old in France, it must find a solution for the youngest can live more easily as something extraordinary, this is the first time in the history of France that the old are richer than young people, and for millennia before the rich were the youth who worked the old could no longer work was put in a corner waiting for a speedy death, now it is the opposite, old enjoyed the last fifty years and many they have a good retirement and a house they paid off, while their children still struggling between unemployment and precarious work, then I say stop, we must act, that all who want old, decided to go and join Jesus that empowers them to do a shot and goodbye Grandpa, grandma farewell

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