when is it now

jeudi 27 décembre 2012

Iphone trap and PCs

Iphone trap and PCs
I was a child before knowing modernity, what a disappointment, what misery, we give son to twist, everything could so simple, but it would sell less, that's the problem, it is commercial, we sell as much as possible but at the same time it forces people to waste their time trying to repair these machines do not work, we promised happiness rapid, there was the disastrous delays, saying they lived happily before modernity, we had easy to use tools, we understood everything, this happiness is lost since the advent of the computer, everything became complicated, it goes faster when it works, but when it does not work anymore, it's a disaster , much more than before, because before we lived happily without complicating their lives, now we lose days trying to fix something you do not understand, it's miserable, modernity requires us to spoil the time while life passes quickly, we are trapped in the iPhone and PC, is a hollow promise, there is no happiness to go fast, you are stressed, we do not take advantage of the time that happens, you want to go fast, that's all, then how to live happy, can you live without a computer, no, so hopefully everything goes well, this is what I want,

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