when is it now

dimanche 23 décembre 2012

I sink into the fun, it's crazy to go so far, a moment of great intensity, more down to the center of me, me, a simple body, mediocre dreams, a little free time, a little money, lightness, nothing extraordinary, but there is such hatred on earth we accept that someone can be easily removed from the circle of suffering, then I have to play the minor substantive carting ore to find some seeds of hope, nothing serious, hope at best, but enough for me daily, hours cut as sausage, mustard, desires which dissipate a set harmonious with positive and negative peaks, mountains, valleys, and between the two pleasant moments, as long as it lasts, but I know that life can be brutal, it can break what is built in a gesture, and bam, everything is down, but I'm not there and I drop every moment as if I was drinking a good wine, it only lasts a moment because if you drink too much you get lost between the fun and loss of hope, so be careful, always pay attention to everything, everything is so fast, we get lost, we found by chance, it's like this and not otherwise, as another way to understand what from morning to evening as you can find consistency, good luck, and then it's not so bad, it all starts, everything stops, the movement that counts one, two, three, and then turn it running, it vien, it goes, stupor, joy,

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