when is it now

dimanche 30 décembre 2012

in life there are flowers every day and sometimes spicy, it stings to the core, but it does not die immediately, we are able to swallow a lot before you go, then I say let near the flowers, feel the happiness full nose, let near happiness, it hangs by a thread, is precious than gold or silver, happiness is, to be there for to enter pleints hands, do not be afraid, it does not sting, not one, and everything opens, there is not one to do, it does not look like nothing, but for some it seems to us a mountain to climb, so I beseech you, be prepared to journey of love, that's life that demand, short life, do not miss a day, time whiz, nothing remains of the past, it is now time to act, a small step towards the opening, I believe, I know it has always been a small step and everything opens it's magic, but it is simply human, humans have the capacity to love hide it very carefully for fear of ridicule, as one who displays his love is ridiculed by those who do not have the chance to love, that's life, why is not there be love, refusing it, is there to fear commitment is to provide is shared, there is no greater happiness, being in a relationship of respect and trust, so changing to a human, it is a challenge, it is a glory looking, it is beautiful, it's great

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