when is it now

lundi 24 décembre 2012

it was so simple, the years of childhood are passed as in a dream, I see now, it was simple, because I see today is complicated, it is difficult, anxiety is climbing, I resist without armor, my only faith to guide me, the path is illuminated, but suddenly I'm taken by surprise, I must go very far from the light in total darkness I bathe, pleasure is total, but how to continue, I can not prolong this moment, I need light fast I run, the urgency is great, it must, must, must, I am close, I 'approach, will I be able to continue to live simply, or should I settle for a growing dissatisfaction, the longer I live the more I am away from innocence, do I have to be hollow in reality, is my destiny, no longer able to love, I love a woman for years, it is a feeling that is beyond me, I think, as if I was living in the treetops is extreme happiness, I am have to lose in order to live alone, happiness is born and dies, live life, luckily we have time before dying, every day is an opportunity to see different things, one thing at a time, the brain is slow to accept new,

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