when is it now

mardi 27 mai 2014

it is the hope that keeps me alive

it is the hope that keeps me alive when I run in the space of messages that simply want to say and yes it's me, just one day there and not come yet because at a time like this one I always do the same thing, so it is through the internet that I spend prayer intentions for the world peace is still in first place so that people can live in the chance of live happy and that everyone can expect to live better one day when soldiers remain in their barracks when the fields are cultivated , without fear, without fear of losing everything because of extremists willing establish a system of violence, believe that possible happiness one day be the law , all that will do is for themselves and in the remaining time we can assume that his family know happiness for centuries , while everything goes through should one day make it go right , I believe that history has meaning and that the heavy days will disappear to make room for informed discussion by the absence of God

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