when is it now

samedi 31 mai 2014

what more is needed

what more is needed to feel the moment that breaks the spirit into several pieces for a time approaching the average one is able to believe that all this is for later, a new sensation , noises coming a place deep in the bowels of the earth to make it back to the right place, to see what happens , this is a passing cloud , strainers that allow water to pass but also a gesture of meeting together in an old cabinet hundred years , time passes but the furniture remains , what else means who want to become higher but that's another twist of fate , I think it's time to clean but what is happening , this is a revolt , not sire is the revolution in France that is why we are born Republican , you can not choose it's like that , and more to see what I think that is all that hung swinging in a rope , and I say yes because I 'm like that , I always take the good side of things, because everything is determined , there is no space for the rest , just off this infinite possible, but again, once , just once , it's too late , now, be reasonable this is to make a serious experience, I therefore asks everyone to remain silent, and then we see something strange , a form that advance being bathed in light, it is a kind of way as we see in old books at the time it was believed the coming of a god who had spent his life doing miracles, I too am in a slice of grip, for friends understand who I am, first of all I would like to clear up a misunderstanding that happens here is not the last time it happens but in a specific sense, I think I can say that it's going well , so that everything is in the right mood , I think it would be best to do that can be in a favorable circumstance , and then the logical continuation of human hope , a roof that protects walls that absorb sound , beneficial intentions , healthy situations , and yet an urgent message concerning the maintenance Roger rabbit home , which takes our attention so that it snaps in good order, no question to begin with the end , because here we like to do things in the order that is recommended by the Task Force on causes unjustified, that's why I'm very comfortable with all the guests at the symposium on the other

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