when is it now

vendredi 30 mai 2014

thank you for supporting me

thank you for supporting me , I know it is long , so I'll do a shorter step, so I could perhaps go faster, but what I like is to go around , so I still looks the same , it changes me , it makes me tired, but what is there is a slope that is accelerating, a choice that extension must be cut but how is it a solution adequate , I think I should throw myself into space, and then see if I can get one thing or another, so I can say that if I am alive it is for a special reason, once done I can come and go , it does not bother me , it's normal , it's a habit , once it becomes mature , it's almost as if I were a dream, one day there I powered in the jungle, I struggle against giant plastic spiders , but as they explained to me that by doing that we become who we are, I take the foot in the carpet and I found a girl who was taking off his pants so that the movement I came across that I tore her panties with my teeth once a land I do not understand why it was necessary to hand elsewhere, which decided me to turn turn and take a ladder to see what was going on in the upstairs bedroom , and I was not disappointed because when I arrived at the top of the ladder I could see what was happening in the room, weird show but caught my eye because I see myself more interested in what is happening elsewhere and so when I realized that life is a chance that down to fate I take everything you need to escape , and I start with a millimeter which is pretty close to zero distance , but I prefer to start small , we'll see

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