when is it now

vendredi 30 mai 2014

this is a place where I did not stay

this is a place where I did not stay because what I lack is not there , so I have to find something else , it's been eight months since I tried without success , so I think I saddles , I attention, I break, I know I do not know , I advance a little, I think I made ​​the right choice , at least that's all that there is , because in a trial , we can always do that's a trend that can climb , even if it is cold, then the body is old, the look is young, it must be done , then do not worry everything is put together, there nothing in excess , everything is oriented so that it starts to walk in one direction, so I know what it is, it's a variation on the spring, when I was eighteen , and when it vibrates , I prefer to be alone do not feel embarrassed to put me naked , which happens from time to time when the pressure is too high , I can not escape , because it is the strongest in life is a vacuum, when we understood that this is a cycle , it rotates faster and faster , I have to cling to an idea, I find one , I try , it's me will I execute the operation , it is a short passage says it all , this is it , this is a place where I can start my next offensive , hoping to reach the goal , the result I'm looking for a little to the right , a little to the left but especially in the center , it is shorter and it's good at least in the morning, after we spread within hours of the afternoon , which is more lower than before , but this is a short-term management , it does not take into account all the problems of living happily

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