when is it now

mardi 29 avril 2014

I know what fits

I know what fits in a large pocket big like France, since I was born I drink the milk of humanist culture, it's been two hundred years since the French wondered what i do on earth is in complete opposition to the millennia before when humans began to pray to the gods for good health or a good harvest and if it was not going as best they could expect from the gods , it was not it was necessary to sacrifice a young virgin on the altar to appease the gods fierce , this time is thankfully over now we can laugh , it does not bother , we're happy , life happens , you know you die one day, but the important thing is the passing moment , is that I can participate in the game , it's fun, I do not see the time pass and then after I do not know what I 'll do, maybe or maybe not , it depends on weather, my desire , of my doubts, my strength to cross the desert consumption and ultimately find a destination where I would like to return , this is not my main project but when I I think saying that there is somewhere a place where I will be fine for several years to return often, as it is no longer look where you are going, it will be automatic , a source to be a founding act , moments close to each other , good times , everything will go well, then I do not care , it's all the same, just change the names and then we'll see what happens , for it is done in an order that allows to do all that is possible without having to wipe your feet not to mess tile, but that's why I 'm still with it, we found a balance, I am and it 's how we're together for a long time in approaching each other but once a reserve, which is closed is the desire , we 're the best , do not bother to look else this is very much like that, I 'm not open to other pleasures , that I am very well , I have nothing to lose

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