when is it now

vendredi 27 novembre 2009

the birth can be considered the maximum participation, all potential is placed at the bottom to be that every day is a detached piece of ice around the reality merges full and half days of Okay, but then he must know the choice to run headlong into the deadly dance, no way to achieve this dream, just a body that sleeps nine hours a day without darken the rest of the time envy does not pass through ecstasy, most often it simply smile, nothing more, nothing else, all that's why one day hollow, to say nothing that can fix the situation, the words circling , no glorious exit, hesitant steps, is there, where here, it depends on me or chance, the choice falls below consciousness, well, here I am in the possibility of taking all the width, which I believed all my life staying in a corner, but as I said, my whole life not going well, we must come together to try to look like the image of the first live birth at any moment as a disturbing evocation of the old dream, the time of the first men who did not believe that life is powerful, they lived in the hollow of an ephemeral passion, every hour is sufficient in itself, each moment lived and died, aujourd 'Today it is ensured for thirty years, human folly which thinks in the future without preparing today

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