when is it now

jeudi 5 novembre 2009

there was a time when happiness was playing hopscotch, unconscious of the evil that inhabits the human being, now fully aware of the horror I whipped her face as a man of sense, no more no less than the bastards worst case is the same flesh, same bodies, will I be able to gas, to kill for reasons of regional affiliation, religious, the other is in me, how come in wanting to destroy it ' me is that I break breaking another, as I think is normal, I try to keep watching the others with indifference, they are all different from me and I them, yet we all share the same operating that goes from heart to brain, the ducts are manufactured to the same patterns, the same plans, so why Hitler, why Mother Theresa, Gandhi, why, why Milosevic, the choice is vast, stinking garbage, saints, and me among those figures of history, I try to continue my path in its simplicity, should I ever invest myself to defend my ideas against brutes eager for blood and death, the human is an animal, but unlike the animal may have an ideal of justice and peace, not one for all, that everyone lives in peace and joy that comes from childhood, but this time is long, it must be face, peace, love, words that make sense

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